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Breiddalssá River

Breiddalssá River

Breiddalsá River, Iceland The Breiðdalsá River is a beautiful mid-sized salmon river located on the East coast of Iceland near the village of Breiðdalsvík. Incuded in the fishery’s rotation are the tributaries, Tinnudalsá and Norðurdalsá, two small rivers...
Varzina Salmón

Varzina Salmón

Varzina River Main Lodge & Cliff Hanger Camp The northern coast of the Kola Peninsula in Russia is one of the few remaining areas of the world where the hand of man is barely noticeable. Every year large Atlantic salmon return from the frigid waters of the...
Varzina Trout

Varzina Trout

Varzina River Trout Camp, Kola Peninsula, Russia Although the Varzina River system has won its fame for the fabulous salmon fishing it offers, in recent years it has shown itself to also be a world class destination for large brown trout. The combination of optimal...
Minnivallalaekur River

Minnivallalaekur River

Minnivallalaekur River, Iceland The Minnivallalaekur River also known simply as the Minni, is a slow flowing meandering stream originating in several upwellings of subterranean waters, which makes it a genuine spring creek.  The Minni is not a river known for great...


Pemba Channel, Kenya In Kenya, the Pemba Channel is known as the best place in the country for bi game deep sea fishing, but it is alos probably the best destination in all of Africa. Our local partner, the Pemba Channel Fishing Club has an excellent reputation...

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